Forehead Lift
For those patients with sagging eyebrows and deep forehead creases without much excess forehead skin, we offer endoscopic forehead lifts to restore a more youthful look to the forehead. This technique uses small incisions in the scalp and a tiny camera to accomplish the surgery in a minimally invasive manner. If excess forehead skin is present we offer other techniques of forehead lifting to help recapture a more youthful look. In addition, forehead lifts are frequently combined with facelifts and neck lifts, as well as other procedures to help you recapture the look that you once had.
If you are interested in a Forehead Lift, request a consultation online with Dr. Steven Varkony, or call our office at (818) 907-9090 to schedule your complimentary consultation today!
You Deserve It!
Frequently asked questions about the Forehead Lift procedure.
Here you’ll find some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the Forehead Lift procedure, but feel free to contact our office with any unanswered queries. We can’t wait to help you put your best face forward.
Am I a good candidate for the Forehead Lift procedure?
The best Forehead Lift patient is in good health, a non-smoker, and is able to avoid blood thinning medications for two weeks before surgery. He or she is unhappy with their sagging eyebrow and wrinkled forehead skin.
My eyes look tired also. What can be done for them?
A Forehead Lift does not improve the appearance of the eyes, but this can be easily accomplished with a procedure called a blepharoplasty. This procedure involves removing excess tissue of the eyelids to create a younger and refreshed look. You may also want to consider eyelid rejuvenation.
Can I have other procedures done at the same time as a Forehead Lift?
You can, and often patients decide to have their eyes, face, and neck improved at the same time. Doing multiple procedures on the same day does not lengthen the recovery time, and it allows the patient to accomplish many goals with one surgery.
Do I need to see my own doctor before a Forehead Lift?
All patients require basic lab tests, medical clearance and history & physical from their primary care physician. If the patient is over the age of 45 we require an EKG along with the standard testing.
What do I need to do the day before surgery?
The day before a Forehead Lift, you should eat normally but avoid excessively heavy meals, or foods that can lead to acid reflux. Prepare your affairs so that you completely relax and rest after surgery. Most importantly, do not eat or drink anything after midnight before your procedure.
Where does the surgery take place?
Procedures are done in our fully certified out- patient surgical center, along with board-certified anesthesiologists, and certified register nurses.
What kind of anesthesia will be used?
For almost all cases, general anesthesia will be used, which means you will be completely asleep and pain-free during the entire case. No breathing tube will be needed in these cases. Some other patients, having shorter procedures, can have lighter sedation. However, everyone will be completely comfortable during the procedure.
How long does the procedure take?
Forehead Lifts can take anywhere from one to two hours, but longer if additional procedures are added to the surgery.
How much pain will I have after surgery?
Forehead Lifts do not generate excessive pain during recovery. You will mainly experience a sensation of tightness in your skin, which comes from swelling. Discomfort is well controlled with medications, which we will prescribe.
Will I have scars?
The scars of a Forehead Lift are well hidden in the hairline, and are usually only noticeable by the patient.
How much time off should I take from work and exercising?
You should plan to take one to two weeks off from work, so swelling and bruising can resolve. Exercise should be avoided for about three weeks after surgery, but will be determined by Dr. Varkony through the healing process.
Do patients ever need another Forehead Lift?
Your forehead will always look younger and more refreshed after surgery, but it will continue to age. After a complete Forehead Lift, some patients may want a revision surgery, usually ten or more years later.